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Google Algorithm Updates

Google Product Review Algorithm Update: What You Need to Know

Googles Product Review Algorithm Update Says The Following

Google states “This advice is not related to our core updates. However, it is relevant to those who are looking for quality content. Users will find original analysis and insightful research in the content, which is written by experts who are passionate about the subject.”

Here are some useful questions for content creators. Write your reviews

  • Where appropriate, share your expert knowledge of products
  • Show the physical appearance of the product or show how it is used with unique content beyond that provided by the manufacturer.
  • Give quantitative measures of how a product performs in different categories.
  • What sets your product apart from the rest?
  • Discuss similar products and explain which products are best for specific uses.
  • Based on your research, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a product.
  • How has a product changed from other models or releases in order to make it more user-friendly, fix issues, or help them make a decision about buying?
  • Determine the key factors that are important for your product’s category. How does the product perform in these areas? A car review could determine that fuel economy, safety, and handling are the key decision-making factors. Then rate the product’s performance in these areas.
  • Define the key design decisions made for a product and how they affect the users.

google product review updateIn Google’s latest update, the review algorithm will now take into account how many reviews a site has. If your website is low on Google-approved reviews (less than 40), Google may not rank it high in search results for product queries. But this doesn’t mean that you should just allow any reviewer to post their thoughts about your company and products! Make sure each of these posts are Google approved by having them go through an approval process before they publish anything to your site so as to ensure quality content is posted.

Another big change Google made was implementing word matching; if someone searches for “red shoes,” Google won’t only show sites with the words ‘shoes’ or ‘red,’ but also pages containing phrases like “buy red shoes.”

Google also started to penalize sites that have pages with a high bounce rate (lower than 40%) and/or ads above the content. This should help Google users find better, more relevant web pages.

What to do if you were penalized

If you were penalized and you need help with Google’s product review algorithm update then please give us a call at 623-745-4642 today so we can help you get this fixed.

Google’s latest algorithm update is making waves in the SEO world. Google has been working on its product review algorithms for years now, but this newest update appears to be one of their biggest yet. Just like everything Google has been updating, this update like others will continuously get more strict.


If you didn’t get to educate yourself on the first update then please watch this video.


Some more tips on Google’s Product Review Algorithm Update

Make sure to get a good review plugin on your website for your products. Make sure your sales team or if your sales team is just you, make sure you work on getting reviews for your products.

Google loves Google products and while Google does not mention how important reviews are in the update, it is safe to say that you need a good review plugin installed on your website.

Make sure to upload these new changes onto all of your websites with the help of a white label SEO company like us! We’re always here to help out when it comes down to GMB local SEO Services and other SEO needs, so reach out today!

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