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How To Increase Google Core Vitals

Google Page Speed Insight Tips as well as Core Vitals To Increase Your Scores

It’s become a necessity to get better core vital scores or page speed insight scores with Google’s core vital algorithm update coming out soon.  It will affect both national and local GMB SEO results.

google page speed score

For WordPress Users

  • Use Cloudflare – make sure to navigate to the speed button on Cloudflare.  Click optimization and select everything you can to make your website faster. I would start with Auto Minify, if something breaks on your website you can easily uncheck the box and simply not use that option. They also have an option called Automatic Platform Optimization For WordPress that you can install on your WordPress website.
  • Use Nitro Pack. You can choose to use the free, but they will place a small icon on the bottom of your page if you do. It’s very cheap and affordable, I personally like to avoid using the free version and only using the paid version which is only $17.50 a month.

cloud flare example of optimization

For All Other Platforms do the following

  • Use Cloudflare and make sure to purchase Cloudflare Pro. Since you don’t have the luxury of using Nitro Pack on your platform like WordPress users do, you need to use some of the Cloudflare pro tools that are only available when you upgrade. It’s only $20 a month so it’s not going to really set you back much.
  • Reduce the number of images or videos per page. This will slow many platforms down if you have too many images. Make sure to reduce the image size of your image too on the ones you do keep on your website.
  • Remove unnecessary widgets

More About Google’s Core Vital Algorithm Update

Google has been testing its Core Vital Algorithm Update that was first announced in January of 2019.  It is starting to show up for more sites now and you should be aware of how it will affect your site, as this update can affect the rankings you have on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs).

This update will be part of Google’s ranking algorithm and it is designed to measure the overall quality of your site.  According to their blog post, “Google estimates that about a third of queries in our web search has not been touched by this new core algorithm yet.” This means that you might want to prepare for some changes if your site isn’t already up-to-date with following these guidelines on page speed scores and other things like removing unnecessary widgets.

You Can And You Will Get Rewarded Or Hurt By The Core Vital Algorithm Update

The Core Vital Algorithm Update is going to reward sites that meet certain requirements: fast loading times, few errors, a lack of ads, an effortless navigation experience – all at the same time as having high-quality content. Meaningful pages are more likely to rank well.

Google’s algorithm is always evolving and with this change, the emphasis has shifted from a site that looks good to one that works well – which can be more difficult for some sites than others.  This update will go into effect in June through August 2021 so it isn’t too late to start making changes now if you haven’t already done so!

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